Friday 24 May 2013

May meeting - Coping with Memory Loss

The group held its monthly meeting on Friday 24th May. After a much needed time for coffee and chat, a warm welcome was extended to Wendy Harkness from the Alzheimers Society, together with her colleague Sharon Donnelly, to talk on the subject of “Coping with Memory Loss”.

The subject drew excellent attendance.  Wendy’s informative talk explained in simple terms about the different parts of the brain and what happens in the most common of the hundred different types of dementia. She explained some of the many symptoms that patients experience and how their every day lives can be affected. Inevitably, as the majority of carers attending the meeting looked after some with dementia, ideas for how to cope with these symptoms were high on the ‘wanted’ list and much anecdotal evidence, shared by both Wendy and carers, provided very practical advice.  The discussion that followed also made it clear just how important it is to make everyone aware of the symptoms of dementia, not just those who are affected by it.

Useful links on the subject of dementia:

Thursday 23 May 2013

Carers Week - June 10th - 16th

Carers 4 Carers is holding an information and awareness event as their contribution towards Carers Week.
The theme of Carers Week this year is Prepared to Care? and asks the general public to consider whether they could cope with a caring role, especially if it happened suddenly to them.
Our event will take place on Saturday 15th June between 10a.m. and 1 p.m. at Kineton Methodist Church Hall. A number of organisations and charities will be available to talk to the general public about what support they can offer to those who care.

There will be refreshements and also some little carer 'treats', such as a short free hand massage.

Planning is still taking place but to date, organisations taking part include:

Shipston Home Nursing
Parkinson's UK
Age UK
Think Jessica
Independent Age
Tranquil Beauty, Wellesbourne
Tai Chi - Anne Waldon

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Our May Meeting - Friday May 24th

Our next meeting looks at the problems facing carers when trying to look after those who experience memory loss.

Our visiting speaker will be Wendy Harkness, the Dementia Support Manager from the Alzheimers Society. Wendy will take us through the various symptoms of dementia and suggest strategies for coping for carers. There will be lots of opportunities to ask questions that arise out of the talk.

The meeting takes place at Kineton Methodist Church Hall as usual and starts with coffee and chat at 10.30 a.m.